It's that time of
year again when the winter season seems like it will never end. For me I start
to dream of the warm sunshine, fun bright clothes and all the accessories to go
with them. Especially jewelry! One thing that adds a little joy to this cold
dreary month is the thought of getting my tax return! After mulling over the
logical things to spend it on I started to consider all the fun ways I could
spend it (Like buying jewelry). The more I thought about it the more I felt
that I should treat myself from all the hard work that made it possible to get
the tax return. My philosophy is, you only live once and why not splurge and
get something that you normally wouldn't get for yourself. Everyone deserves a
little treat here and there! Here are some beautiful pieces that may be your
treat to yourself. For more great pieces check out our website and find us on Facebook, Twitter @Gemgarden925 and Instagram @Gemgarden925!